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N 21/21-772-ЕП від 12.03.2002
Начальникам регіональних митниць

Начальникам митниць

Направляємо перелік сертифікатів про походження товарів форми
EUR.1 (до листа Держмитслужби від 28.02.2000 N 21/3-638
( v-638342-00 ), які видавалися естонськими митними органами на
рибопродукцію за період з 25 лютого по 3 березня 2002 року.
AB 646106 26/02/2002 Ob VRHL frozen baltic sprats 20500 AB 645655 26/02/2002 AS Lддtsa canned fish 66610 Kalatццst AB 646104 26/02/2002 Ob VRHL salted baltic sprats 20000 AB 646105 26/02/2002 Ob VRHL salted baltic sprats 20000 AB 645656 27/02/2002 AS Lддtsa canned fish 66625 Kalatццst AB 646107 27/02/2002 Ob VRHL salted baltic sprats 20800 AB 645659 28/02/2002 AS Lддtsa canned fish 67100 Kalatццst AB 645657 28/02/2002 AS Lддtsa canned fish 66625 Kalatццst AB 645658 28/02/2002 AS Lддtsa canned fish 66610 Kalatццst AB 646110 28/02/2002 Ob VRHL salted baltic sprats 20600 AB 646130 01/03/2002 Ob VRHL salted baltic sprats 20000 AB 646129 01/03/2002 Ob VRHL salted baltic sprats 20000 AB 664230 26.02.02 AS Dagotar canned fish 67900 AB 664229 27.02.02 AS Dagotar canned fish 66450 AB 664228 01.03.02 AS Dagotar canned fish 55525 AB628719 26.02.2002 HAKO LTD SMOKED SPRATS 20700 IN OIL


SMOKED SPRATS 2000 PASTE AB 505464 25.02.02 Koskel Frozen baltic 19800 sprats AB 679884 25.02.02 Reperte Spices salted 20000 sprats AB 635525 25.02.02 Krapesk Baltic spicy sprats 20000 AB 505476 26.02.02 Koskel Spicy salted baltic 20000 sprats AB 636072 26.02.02 Exma holding Smoked sprats paste 28788,8 ect.
AB 505478 26.02.02 Koskel Frozen sprats 20500 AB 505477 26.02.02 Koskel Spicy salted baltic 20000 sprats AB 635527 27.02.02 Krapesk Baltic spicy sprats 20700 AB 635526 27.02.02 Krapesk Baltic spicy sprats 60000 AB 679891 27.02.02 Reperte Spices salted 20000 sprats AB 679319 27.02.02 Watkins Salted sprats in 60000 spices AB 679318 27.02.02 Watkins Salted sprats in 60000 spices AB 680946 28.02.02 Makrill Crab sticks 19650 AB 680948 01.03.02 Makrill Crab sticks 19632 AB 680947 01.03.02 Makrill Crab sticks 19210 AB 505465 01.03.02 Koskel Spicy salted baltic 20000 AB 680358 01.03.02 Gramus Spicy salted baltic 20000 sprats AB 679321 01.03.02 Watkins Salted sprats in 20625 spices AB 679320 01.03.02 Watkins Salted sprats in 20265 spices AB 678844 01.03.02 Alcandra com Preserv salt sprats 60000 AB 635528 01.03.02 Krapesk Baltic spicy sprats 60000 AB 678569 01.03.02 Maksiprof Baltic sprats 59980 AB578729 25.02.02 AS Kajax seasoned sprats 19900 Fishexport AB578739 25.02.02 AS Kajax frozen sprats 19600 Fishexport AB578738 25.02.02 AS Kajax seasoned Baltic 20800 Fishexport sprats AB578730 27.02.02 AS Kajax seasoned Baltic 20800 Fishexport sprats AB578200 27.02.02 AS Raitar iced Baltic sprats 60000 AB578731 28.02.02 AS Kajax seasoned baltic 20800 Fishexport sprats AB665164 27.02.02 LTD. Maseko sardinella in oil 66952 blanched

sardinella in own

juice with oil added

sardinella in tomato

sauce blanched

Baltic herring in

oil blanched

smoked Baltic

herring in oil

mackerel in own

juice with oil added

mackerel in tomato

sauce blanched

smoked sprats paste AB665163 27.02.02 LTD Maseko herring in own juice 65189 with oil added

smoked herring in oil

herring in tomato

sauce blanched

sardines in


sardinesin own juice

with oil added

sardines in tomato

sauce blanched

smoked sprats in oil

mackerel in oil


smoked sprats paste AB665150 01.03.02 LTD Maseko fishchops in tomato 25459 sauce

fishballs in tomato


mackerel in own

juice with oil added

mackerel in tomato

sauce blanched

mackerel in oil


smoked sprats paste AB665149 01.03.02 LTD Maseko sardines in own 42457,5 juice with oil added

Atlantic sardines in


sardines in tomato

sauce blanched

sardines in oil


sardinella in own

juice with oil added

sardinella in oil


herring in own juice

with oil added

herring in oil


smoked herring in oil

Baltic herring in

oil blanched

fried Baltic herring

in tomato sauce

smoked Baltic

herring in oil

smoked sprats in oil

baltic sprats in

tomato sauce AB665165 01.03.02 LTD Maseko sardines in 63000 oil/slikes/ AB578732 01.03.02 AS Kajax frozen Baltic sprats 19250 Fishexport AB579211 01.03.02 oь Werder Fish salted Baltic sprats 37000 AB590237 01.03.02 AS Pomes feeds fishmeal 35000
Начальник Управління
номенклатури та верифікації І.Рамусь
WEB MD Office "НПО Поверхность",
AB 505478 26.02.02 Koskel Frozen sprats 20500 AB 505477 26.02.02 Koskel Spicy salted baltic 20000 sprats AB 635527 27.02.02 Krapesk Baltic spicy sprats 20700 AB 635526 27.02.02 Krapesk Baltic spicy sprats 60000 AB 679891 27.02.02 Reperte Spices salted 20000 sprats AB 679319 27.02.02 Watkins Salted sprats in 60000 spices AB 679318 27.02.02 Watkins Salted sprats in 60000 spices AB 680946 28.02.02 Makrill Crab sticks 19650 AB 680948 01.03.02 Makrill Crab sticks 19632 AB 680947 01.03.02 Makrill Crab sticks 19210 AB 505465 01.03.02 Koskel Spicy salted baltic 20000 AB 680358 01.03.02 Gramus Spicy salted baltic 20000 sprats AB 679321 01.03.02 Watkins Salted sprats in 20625 spices AB 679320 01.03.02 Watkins Salted sprats in 20265 spices AB 678844 01.03.02 Alcandra com Preserv salt sprats 60000 AB 635528 01.03.02 Krapesk Baltic spicy sprats 60000 AB 678569 01.03.02 Maksiprof Baltic sprats 59980 AB578729 25.02.02 AS Kajax seasoned sprats 19900 Fishexport AB578739 25.02.02 AS Kajax frozen sprats 19600 Fishexport AB578738 25.02.02 AS Kajax seasoned Baltic 20800 Fishexport sprats AB578730 27.02.02 AS Kajax seasoned Baltic 20800 Fishexport sprats AB578200 27.02.02 AS Raitar iced Baltic sprats 60000 AB578731 28.02.02 AS Kajax seasoned baltic 20800 Fishexport sprats AB665164 27.02.02 LTD. Maseko sardinella in oil 66952 blanched

sardinella in own

juice with oil added

sardinella in tomato

sauce blanched

Baltic herring in

oil blanched

smoked Baltic

herring in oil

mackerel in own

juice with oil added

mackerel in tomato

sauce blanched

smoked sprats paste AB665163 27.02.02 LTD Maseko herring in own juice 65189 with oil added

smoked herring in oil

herring in tomato

sauce blanched

sardines in


sardinesin own juice

with oil added

sardines in tomato

sauce blanched

smoked sprats in oil

mackerel in oil


smoked sprats paste AB665150 01.03.02 LTD Maseko fishchops in tomato 25459 sauce

fishballs in tomato


mackerel in own

juice with oil added

mackerel in tomato

sauce blanched

mackerel in oil


smoked sprats paste AB665149 01.03.02 LTD Maseko sardines in own 42457,5 juice with oil added

Atlantic sardines in


sardines in tomato

sauce blanched

sardines in oil


sardinella in own

juice with oil added

sardinella in oil


herring in own juice

with oil added

herring in oil


smoked herring in oil

Baltic herring in

oil blanched

fried Baltic herring

in tomato sauce

smoked Baltic

herring in oil

smoked sprats in oil

baltic sprats in

tomato sauce AB665165 01.03.02 LTD Maseko sardines in 63000 oil/slikes/ AB578732 01.03.02 AS Kajax frozen Baltic sprats 19250 Fishexport AB579211 01.03.02 oь Werder Fish salted Baltic sprats 37000 AB590237 01.03.02 AS Pomes feeds fishmeal 35000
Начальник Управління
номенклатури та верифікації І.Рамусь
WEB MD Office "НПО Поверхность",

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